Enter Your Text
How It Works
Input Your Text
Enter up to 1000 characters of text into the input field.
Click on a Word
Click any word in your text to see context-aware synonyms.
Replace with Synonym
Choose a synonym to replace the original word seamlessly.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the AI choose synonyms?
Our AI analyzes the context of your text to provide the most fitting synonyms.
Can I process texts longer than 1000 characters?
Currently, the maximum input length is 1000 characters to ensure optimal performance.
Is this service free to use?
Yes, LexiForge's AI Synonym Finder is completely free to use.
What is LexiForge Pro?
With LexiForge Pro you have extended access to our text optimizer for only 1.99 EUR/month. This gives you access to the “Summarize” function and an extended character limit of 12,000 characters for LexiForge Write.